Moultrie wildlife camera

We have moved the wildlife camera down to Jeanette’s place at the bottom of Fox Gully where it joins Klumpp Road.

Foxes, the four legged variety, have been raiding Jeanette’s chook pen on a regular basis, killing up to seven chooks in one night and stashing the bodies in the gully to eat later. The chooks are locked up every night these days so there is no immediate threat however the is evidence that they are still getting under the fence at night.

The BCC team has been working to catch foxes in Mt Gravatt Reserve. If we can get accurate information on the fox raiding parties we hope to be able to work with the BCC team to target the ones coming up the gully.

South Queensland Kauri – Agathis robusta

It was a real pleasure visiting Jeanette’s property which is an amazing flora and fauna habitat in itself.

A giant South Queensland Kauri Agathis robusta dominates the skyline.

Superb Fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus

And Fairy-wrens chipping in the bushes. Jeanette stopped to listen then pointed into the bushes where there was a male Superb Fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus.

A very special piece of bushland. I am looking forward to visiting again to recover the wildlife camera.